Free yourself from negative emotions, regain your emotional balance, take control of your life!

Maria Pomazkova

Emotional coach &  emotologie

The right moment to change your life is Now.


If you feel on edge, if you get angry or cry at the drop of a hat, if your loved ones criticize you for being too sensitive, know that you are not alone.

Most likely, you are emotionally overwhelmed. Your emotional vessel must be filled to the brim and overflowing.

As children, we were often restrained when we wanted to express our emotions. “Stop crying,” “it’s nothing,” “boys don’t cry,” “be strong”… Consequently, we learned and accepted that showing how we feel was a weakness. To be socially accepted and loved, we had to blend in with the crowd. If someone asks you, “Are you okay?” you always have to answer in the affirmative. No one cares about your feelings. And that’s how we develop blockages that prevent us from fully experiencing our emotions. We suppress them and sometimes end up feeling nothing at all. Everything becomes bland, no more joy, no more sadness, because you always have to stay positive. It’s also a fertile ground for psychosomatic illnesses.

I was like you not so long ago. My life changed when I began working on myself using the practical and effective methods of emotology and emotional coaching taught by psychologists Alexandre Shahov and Alexandre Boev in their “Academy of Angels.”

Now, I can accompany you on the same path I have walked.

You must surely be wondering why choose me as your emotions consultant and emotional coach. To be honest, it’s a question I have often asked myself. Choosing your coach is like choosing your underwear; it’s very personal. You need to feel comfortable and have some level of trust. I have extensive experience working with diverse audiences. People often tell me that I have a good sense of others’ feelings and that I can get into their heads. In my life, I have faced many difficult challenges, both personally and professionally. I have never given up. I won’t hide from you that I have been at rock bottom several times, but like a phoenix, I have always managed to rise from my ashes. I have traveled extensively and experienced different cultures. Very open-minded, you will not feel judged with me.

The sessions are NOT suitable for:

– Pregnant women in the first and last trimesters to avoid stressful situations during unstable periods.

– Individuals diagnosed with psychological disorders, as the focus is solely on emotions and not on the treatment of serious psychological disorders.

– Individuals taking antidepressants, as they can influence or distort emotions.

– Children, as there are specialists for children, and it is not my area of expertise.

– Those who do not want it and do not desire any change.

About Me

My name is Maria. I am an emotologist (consultant on emotions) and emotional coach. Additionally, I practice magnetism and a method of energy healing called Body Soul.

As a global citizen with a legal background in human rights, I speak eight languages and conduct my sessions in French, Russian, English, and Spanish.

I used to believe that life had to be pre-programmed, that one needed a clearly structured plan, but that doesn’t actually work for everyone. I began my process of deconditioning a few years ago when Body Soul entered my life. It allowed me to see the bigger picture and understand that our main goal in life is to be happy and to share that happiness with others.

I realized that my mission was to help others discover their own light, to listen more to their inner guidance, to become better versions of themselves, and to be who they truly are without fear of expressing their essence. 

When I first discovered emotology and emotional coaching, my initial goal was to understand my own emotions and learn how to manage them. After working on my own limiting beliefs, emotions, and traumas, I experienced the effectiveness of the methods and understood how much they could benefit others.

I strengthened my self-confidence and acquired many tools to better exploit the opportunities that life offers me. That’s why I want to share my knowledge and gift with you, and help you find your own path, your success, and the meaning of your life! That indescribable feeling of freedom and happiness!

Reviews & Comments

Maria utilise une méthode simple et puissante, très efficace, qui permet de conscientiser et de pacifier nos plus anciens conflits intérieurs. C’est pour moi à chaque fois une belle avancée dans ma voie de libération émotionnelle et de transformation personnelle.🙏🙏🙏.


After many years of being held back by negative emotions, I finally decided to take a step towards healing with Maria who possesses a rare gift of creating a safe and understanding environment that fosters genuine emotional release. Her approach is both compassionate and effective, allowing me to let go of my fears. It’s not often you come across someone who can facilitate a profound transformation with grace and understanding. If you are ready to embark on a journey of emotional healing, she is the guide you need.


Maria m’a guidé afin de prendre conscience de mes émotions. Au sein d’un cadre sécurisant, j’ai été acteur dans ma recherche de “mieux-être”. Pas à pas et avec bienveillance je me suis senti accompagné. Gardons à l’esprit que nous sommes les premiers à vouloir nous en sortir. Maria nous éclaire la voie.


María, es una gran terapeuta a la que puedo recomendar con toda convicción. Gracias a su comprensión y apoyo pude superar muchos obstaculos que no dejan alcanzar mis metas y sanar viejas heridas del pasado. Fue mi guia hacia la autoaceptación y el equilibrio emocional. Gracias a ella, me siento más fuerte y conectada a mis emociones. ¡Es una excelente profesional y le estoy muy agradecida!


Everything is possible,
trust yourself!

Copyright © 2024 Maria Pomazkova